We had our pictures taken, to publish the new administration this morning, and fortunately I was able to hide behind the 3 good looking lady councillors! If I can I will circulate the picture with Councillors names and responsibilities when and if I get a copy.
Prior to the photographs being taken, I had a short conversation with Salvadore (those of you following the blog will know that he is the councillor who has own all the work on the files for the Diputacion to enable IBI bills to be assessed and issued). We have been waiting for these for some time now but we have seen a slow trickle of assessments coming out. Salvadore advised me that more will be coming out in the next couple of weeks so check you mail.
If you are not resident do not worry I will try and keep an eye on when each area gets its bills and post on here. There is a website ,"sedecatastro.gob.es" but I have found it difficult to research it without a digital certificate. I have asked for advice on this and will post when I know (unless any of you are more efficient in finding your way around the site). I understand that if you research this site you can ascertain whether your property has been assessed and obtain the reference number.
UPDATE.. Salvador has forwarded to me the link to the website of the Catastro Office website and it is
On the front page enter 'localizacion' then 'Almeria' then 'Zurgena' and then enter the name of your street. Then click 'Cartografia'. You can then dig into the site. Do not worry if your street is not yet on they are working on it and Salvador told me that my street would probably be added in the next week or two. So I will keep checking.
Change to layout in the TH. There has been a change to layout in the TH in that all the administrative staff now occupy desks on the ground floor, rather than upstairs. So when you go into the reception area, where Juanjo occupies the reception desk, you will see all the other staff t their desks in the open area in front of reception. This I am sure will help particularly when it is busy as the other staff can then help. A bit like it was in the old Town Hall up the hill.
Secondly the perennial issue of the Padron. We have seen a reduction in persons registered on the Padron this year and as you probably know the Town Hall is funded by the numbers registered on the padron. So this is a plea to everyone if you own a property here (whether holiday home, rented out or full time occupied) please register on the Padron. It merely requires you to pop into the TH with your passport or NIE and see either Juanjo or Andreas and let them record your details for us to receive the monies due.
I have appended to the bottom of this post the latest randomly generated list requiring confirmation that these individuals should still be on the Padron. If you recognise any of the names or you know them please ask them to pop into the TH to confirm they should still be on the Padron, if that is the case.
Terence R Kebble, Pauline Ann Clarke, Helen Jane Cook,Michael John Cook,Maureen Elizabeth Gibbs, Peter William Gibbs, Andrew Wayne Miller, Nicola Jane Miller, Joshua D T Hearn, Wendy Alison Hearn, Antony David Scanlon, Barry R T Walker, Delene Bailey, Elaine A Midgley, John M Midgley, John Harold Pickbourn, Margaret R Pickbourn, Enesa Bell, Liam P Bell, Alice M Butterworth.